Discovering Parsnip
I was looking through old cookbooks last night and happened upon one that I had bought in the early 90s, written by a Singaporean chef who owned a restaurant in San Francisco. Tucked away by...
3 minute readWhat to Do When You Want to Lose a Few Pounds... AKA Our Weight Loss Strategy
I admit it: we returned from Italy a bit heavier than when we left. Those of you who know us from our cooking classes in NYC or from our culinary tours in Italy know that we lost a lot of weight over the years: Dino used to weigh 65 p...
10 minute readFor the love of beets
I grew up in a mostly beetless family. My maternal grandmother Lalla, a Romanian Jew, made borscht for many Friday lunches at her home in Milan, but truth be told, I never ate it: the bits of boiled beef floating in the soup put me off. ...
4 minute read